12 years experience
0 projects worked
United States
$1,200.00 /hr
$0 earned
DocumentaryDrone VideographyNarrative
Ruben Contreras has always prized artistic integrity above commercial achievement. Inspired by a unique background in graphic design, visual effects and digital sculpting, photographer and artist Ruben Contreras studied and developed his artistic eye at Gnomon School of Visual Effects.
He discovered his true passion for imagery when he first gazed through the lens of a camera shortly after graduating, and went on to create his own signature pieces while also acting as director of photography for a diverse range of projects. Having suffered from chronic pain in his face from a very young age, Contreras has channeled his disability into a powerful drive that fuels his artistic visions, resulting in a singularly insightful yet strikingly humble style that’s distinctly his own. Explore the striking works of Ruben Contreras and travel the world, or rediscover the familiar in a brilliant new light.
Now, Contreras creates dramatic moving pictures of settings that combine a cinematographers clever eye for composition with an imaginative approach to editing and processing that results in truly magnificent pieces.
Read more about Ruben Contreras at Voyage LA Magazine here.